Dans un nouveau câble diplomatique de Wikileaks, dévoilé hier soir par le quotidien espagnol El Pais, l’on apprend de la bouche de Bernard Bajolet -l’ancien ambassadeur français à Alger et actuel coordinateur national du renseignement au palais de l’Elysée- que « la corruption, touchant jusqu’au frères du président Bouteflika, a atteint un sommet et interfère avec le développement économique ». Dans un entretien avec l’ambassadeur américain en Algérie, daté du 25 Janvier 2008, Bajolet, qui est un spécialiste du renseignement, estime également que « les services de sécurité ont donné leur accord pour que la constitution soit amendée, pour que Bouteflika puisse se représenter pour un troisième mandat en 2009 » avant d’ajouter que « Le consensus au sein du leadership sécuritaire algérien pour soutenir un troisième mandat de Bouteflika est basé sur l’opinion partagée par tous que ce mandant ne serait pas mené à son terme ».
Saturday, December 18, 2010
La note des services français sur le coup de filet mauritanien
Dans une note rédigée par la DGSE française, dont Maghreb-intelligence a pu obtenir copie exclusive, tout semble indiquer que l’étau se resserre autour des narcotrafiquants opérant dans la zone sahélo saharienne, suite au coup de filet mauritano-malien de la semaine dernière, dans lequel des cadres du mouvement indépendantiste Front Polisario auraient été interpellés. Maghreb Intelligence est ainsi en mesure de dévoiler l’identité de quatre des 8 narcotrafiquants arrêtés. Les limiers du renseignement extérieur français affirment ainsi que le chef présumé du réseau de trafic de drogue, Soultane Ould Baddi, aurait été « blessé par balles à l’abdomen lors de l’interpellation ». Surtout, les espions français révèlent que deux autres comparses de Ould Baddi, dont l’un répondant au doux surnom de « Grandaïzar », ont des « « liens étroits » avec le chef du renseignement militaire du Polisario, Mohamed Ould Laakik, « pour le compte duquel ils gèreraient plusieurs commerces ». La note de la DGSE confirme donc les informations rapportées par l’AFP la semaine dernière, selon lesquelles le front Polisario serait mis en cause fortement suite à l’opération anti trafic de drogue menée par les services de sécurité mauritaniens et maliens. Désormais, les espions français estiment que le Maroc va « rebondir immédiatement sur cette affaire », car elle est un « élément crédibilisant les thèses de Rabat selon lesquelles le front Polisario serait devenu l’une des bases arrières logistiques d’AQMI ». A l’aube de pourparlers informels entre le Maroc et le Polisario à New York les 17 et 18 Décembre, ces dernières évolutions promettent des échanges musclés et l’activation de tous les lobbyistes du Maroc à Washington afin que le message marocain soit entendu au capitole et à la maison blanche.
Secret Service
Stay Armed and Ready, Beleaguered Mexican Cartel Tells Members
A prominent leader of the La Familia Michoacana drug cartel called Wednesday on his followers to be “ready with the arms” and willing to take on Los Zetas, another criminal organization that is supposedly trying to seize control of areas in western Mexico.
“If they think that in this way they are going to go into Michoacan and Los Zetas are going to occupy our turf or our towns ... How wrong they are! Let’s show them what we’re made of, we’re a family, let’s show unity ... Nobody can abandon any area,” Servando Gomez said.
“If they think that in this way they are going to go into Michoacan and Los Zetas are going to occupy our turf or our towns ... How wrong they are! Let’s show them what we’re made of, we’re a family, let’s show unity ... Nobody can abandon any area,” Servando Gomez said.
La Familia,
Los Zetas,
China's Rare Earth Monopoly
Earlier this year, China announced a 72% reduction in the export quotas for rare-earth metals for the second half of 2010, sending tremors across America's industrial complex. Rare earths are a group of 17 metals vital to the production of precision-guided munitions, cruise missiles, radar and other defense systems, as well as consumer electronics and renewable-energy technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels and hybrid vehicles. Such metals are often compared to the yeast in bread—small in proportion but huge in contribution.
Mineral Resources
Water and Energy: a flashpoint in Pakistan-India relations?
Judging by recent political statements from Pakistan, water issues are being pitched politically and couched increasingly in the language of security vis-à-vis India. . .and for Pakistan hydropower is its second source of electricity.”
Uttam Kumar Sinha
“The potential for environmental factors to stoke conflict between the nuclear armed states of India and Pakistan is a concern. These two historical enemies have repeatedly fought across their international frontier and have yet to resolve their territorial dispute over Kashmir. Further, a longstanding dispute over cross-border water resource sharing between India and Pakistan has resurfaced, possibly exacerbating existing tensions between the two states.”
US Congressional Research Service Report, August 2010
Water resources are tied to the trajectory of economic growth in an intricate way. They are linked to food production, energy security and climate issues. In fact, in many ways, the entire gamut of future human security challenges hinges on how water resources are to be managed. A number of reports often indicate that the ‘water bubbles’ which sustained much of the growth in the past are in many parts of the world ‘bursting’. Clearly water scarcity has serious consequences not only for human well-being but also for regional security and stability.
Diplomatic Relations,
Energy Infrastructure as a Diplomatic Tool: the Arab gas pipeline
As global demand for natural gas continues to increase, around the world and within the Middle East, it is crucial that the Middle East regionally integrate in order to reap the positive externalities associated with a stable, integrated exporting market. Long-term terrestrial access to the markets of Africa, Asia and Europe will allow the Arab Gas Pipeline (AGP) to be a vital diplomatic tool for the Middle East. It is important to keep in mind that it is difficult, if not impossible, to divorce economics from politics when examining energy security. This article will focus on the relationship between infrastructure and developing regionalism in the Middle East, especially Egypt and the Mashreq.
Middle East
Calculating Energy Security: how to functionally and reliably develop the European-Caspian gas link
There are many externalities that challenge developing the European-Caspian energy link. At one extreme, these externalities can strain the energy concerns of many of the smaller, land-locked Central and Eastern European states and can end up driving prices higher for end-users. At the other extreme, Caspian gas producers hesitate to commit to over-supplying markets, with the potential knock-on effect of driving gas prices lower to their detriment. However, there is a middle ground to be sought that at once calculates the cost-benefit of enhancing European energy security and at the same time puts forward a rational argument for increasing European market access to Caspian gas producers.
Caspian Sea,
The Radicalization of Maritime Piracy implications for maritime energy security
Recent trends in maritime piracy
The last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st have seen a rise in maritime piracy largely unseen—or at least undocumented—since the “golden age” of piracy several centuries ago. At the same time, the last ten years have seen several shifts in modern piracy: from small-scale “mom and pop” operations to loosely organized criminal gangs, and finally to big business off the coast of Somalia; and a geographic shift from hotspots in Asia to the predominance of maritime piracy in Africa (Figure 1):
Maritime Piracy,
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: a few realities about the demise of imperialist America
On 4 of December 2010, Obama arrived at Bagram Airbase for two and half hours and after consulting the invading NATO and American commander (Petraeus), Karl Eikenberry and other senior officials, went to a newly built hospital inside the airbase which treats mentally ill soldiers who have succumbed to emotional and physiological problems due to the intensity of the Afghan war and met some of those soldiers who were under treatment. Obama also met those unstable soldiers, whose hands and feet were tied with chains and used to curse everyone who came in contact with them! Obama was also abused by these nutcases!! They warmly welcomed him with a great cussing fanfare!!! Seeing Obama bewildered by the state of his soldiers, Petraeus quickly took him out of the hospital and stood him on the podium where 4000 soldiers had been bundled up to listen to his 2010 end of year speech… Obama declared in his speech:
United States
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: response to Obama’s review of the strategy
Last night, American defeated President Barack Obama unveiled review of his failed strategy. One year ago, Obama had announced the strategy aimed at bolstering the tempo of the invading American forces in Afghanistan and thwarting the Jihadic activities of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Having confidence in the help of the Almighty Allah (SwT) and in the ultimate victory of the legitimate Jihad of the Muslim people of Afghanistan against the invading Americans and their Allies, the Islamic Emirate responds to the review of the strategy by Obama as follows:
Having confidence in the help of the Almighty Allah (SwT) and in the ultimate victory of the legitimate Jihad of the Muslim people of Afghanistan against the invading Americans and their Allies, the Islamic Emirate responds to the review of the strategy by Obama as follows:
United States
Somalia: Terrorism’s Dark Corner (Part 2)
To follow up on the past 3 posts about Somalia (1.0, 1.5, 1.75), I’ll return to a project I worked on four years back. With Dr. Jacob Shapiro and a group of really solid researchers, I got to co-edit and co-write sections of al Qaeda’s (Mis) Adventures in the Horn of Africa. We based the research on declassified, al-Qaeda (AQ) documents found in Afghanistan detailing AQ’s forays into Somalia between 1992-1994.
AQ sent several teams of trainers to join Somali clans. Through Special Forces-type methods, AQ envoys would provide training and equipment to Somali clans. During this process, they would also begin proselytizing hoping their ideology would catch on. In Somalia, AQ struggled for three reasons.
AQ sent several teams of trainers to join Somali clans. Through Special Forces-type methods, AQ envoys would provide training and equipment to Somali clans. During this process, they would also begin proselytizing hoping their ideology would catch on. In Somalia, AQ struggled for three reasons.
Somalia: Terrorism’s Dark Corner (Part 1.75)
So the information keeps coming in. Foreign Policy just released an update on their Failed States research identifying new revelations on Somalia. Foreign Policy concurs that the existence and influence of foreign fighters in Somalia is overstated. Here’s a key quote:
Perhaps even more interesting for Somalia watchers is a June 9, 2009, cable that describes the country’s conflict as a largely clan-against-clan turf war rather than a political or ideological struggle. This explanation conflicts with other popular accounts of the crisis, which tend to focus on religious extremism combined with the potent quest for wealth and security.As I mentioned in Part 1 of this post, Somalia is about clan before jihad. Only in certain locations and at certain times, which I’ll discuss in Part 2, does ideology drive action. Survival-security trumps ideology for the most part. Unless ideology can provide security…..more to follow.
Somalia: Terrorism’s Dark Corner (Part 1.5)
I was just about to write part 2 of my Somalia post from last week when I found this story reference a Yemeni-born foreign fighter, Rabah Abu-Qalid, dying in Mogadishu fighting this past Sunday. So here is Part 1.5.
I pondered in Part 1 why there was so little discussion of Somali-Yemeni terrorism associations in Somalia. With the rise of AQAP, I suspected there would be greater coordination between al-Shabab and Yemeni foreign fighters. Maybe Abu-Qalid is a symbol of this collaboration? Has anyone seen any more reporting on this story?
As with anything Somalia, coverage is light. However, I’m interested in any other articles discussing potential collaboration between Yemeni foreign fighters (any Middle Eastern foreign fighters) and their role in al-Shabab or other Somali groups. More to follow in part 2……
I pondered in Part 1 why there was so little discussion of Somali-Yemeni terrorism associations in Somalia. With the rise of AQAP, I suspected there would be greater coordination between al-Shabab and Yemeni foreign fighters. Maybe Abu-Qalid is a symbol of this collaboration? Has anyone seen any more reporting on this story?
As with anything Somalia, coverage is light. However, I’m interested in any other articles discussing potential collaboration between Yemeni foreign fighters (any Middle Eastern foreign fighters) and their role in al-Shabab or other Somali groups. More to follow in part 2……
Somalia: Terrorism’s Dark Corner (Part 1)
Al-Wasat contributor Christopher Anzalone provides an excellent piece of analysis on Harakat al-Shabab al Mujahideen in Somalia. Through analysis of al-Shabab’s latest video, Anzalone evaluates individual components of al-Shabab’s content discussing their recruitment efforts abroad to gain foreign fighters to battle in Somalia’s domestic insurgency. Really good article and here are some of my notes:
L’opération Aurora de Google en Chine
Le 12 janvier 2010, Google annonçait avoir été piraté par des hackers chinois. En rétorsion, le site de recherche annonce la suppression de la censure imposée par le gouvernement Chinois, et redirige les internautes chinois vers son serveur à Hong-Kong. Le 17 juillet 2010, Google fait machine arrière et rétablit la censure afin de s’assurer du renouvellement de sa licence d’exploitation pour la Chine. Ce brusque revirement est-il une expression de l’issue programmée d’une gigantesque action de communication, ou est-ce la conséquence inattendue de pressions des investisseurs financiers ?
War of Words: Israel’s Fight Against Delegitimization
Israel’s struggle to defend herself and survive is not only on the battlefield; it is also in the coliseum of public perception. Thrown into the same dungeon as South Africa 30 years ago, threatened with extinction by Arab countries and terrorist groups, Israel is portrayed as a racist, “apartheid” country, illegitimate, a threat to civilization and world peace. Failure to take this incitement seriously and criticism of Israel’s actions in self-defense are applauded by the crowd, thumbs-downed by international community.
The drive towards political stability: examining military interference in African politics
The process of decolonisation took root in Africa more than 50 years ago, yet political stability remains far beyond the reach of many African states. Countries like Ghana and the Republic of Guinea gained independence in 1958; it can thus be argued that independence in Africa started in the late 1950s. Furthermore, independence from colonial masters did not immediately transform into socio-political and economic growth. Instead, a barrage of despotic and authoritarian leaders emerged, and the incessant retrogressive ideologies and methods of rule prompted the emergence of a kind of rule that has changed the face of politics in Africa for the last 50 (plus) years. This trend is characterised by the involvement of the military in African politics. Situations of army involvement in the political setup of Africa span from Nigeria and Sudan, down to Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, the Gambia, the Republic of Guinea, Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Algeria, Chad, and even the most recent cases in Equatorial Guinea and Niger republic.
In this light, this article examines the trend of military interference in African politics; the factors responsible for this engagement; what characterises this rule; its effect on the process of democratisation in the present state of African countries, especially in the wake of the third wave of democratisation; and how it has shaped the recent drive towards political stability among African states. The article also uses the trends in some of these states to examine how military interference has had a wide range of institutional constraints on many states currently battling with instability.
In this light, this article examines the trend of military interference in African politics; the factors responsible for this engagement; what characterises this rule; its effect on the process of democratisation in the present state of African countries, especially in the wake of the third wave of democratisation; and how it has shaped the recent drive towards political stability among African states. The article also uses the trends in some of these states to examine how military interference has had a wide range of institutional constraints on many states currently battling with instability.
Civil-Military Relations,
Brèves considérations sur l'Islam et l'Europe aujourd'hui
l m’a été demandé plusieurs fois si je m’associerais aux assises internationales sur l’islamisation. J’ai répondu par la négative. Je n’ai aucune hostilité en soi contre Riposte laïque et contre les organisateurs de ces assises, mais j’ai des divergences fondamentales avec eux, que je pense utile d’expliciter.
La première de ces divergences tient à ce que je pense contre-productif de s’en prendre à l’islam comme tel. Je sais qu’il y a des dimensions totalitaires dans l’islam. Je sais que c’est bien davantage qu’une religion : un système de soumission global impliquant des dimensions juridiques, économiques et politiques. Je sais que la charia est incompatible avec les principes du droit naturel qui fondent les sociétés ouvertes. Je pense que le Coran pris au pied de la lettre implique un glissement vers le grand djihad et le petit djihad, Mais je sais aussi, pour avoir bien connu certains d’entre eux, que des penseurs musulmans cherchent à trouver le chemin permettant l’émergence au vingt-et-unième siècle d’un islam modéré.
La politique internationale de la Chine (part 2)
Foreign Policy
La Politique Internationale de la Chine (part 1)
Foreign Policy
France Will Give Lebanon 100 Anti-Tank Missiles
France will give Lebanon 100 anti-tank missiles, a government official said Dec. 17, confirming a deal that raised concerns in Israel and the United States earlier this year.
"Prime Minister Saad Hariri was informed on [Dec. 15] of the French decision to supply the army with 100 ... HOT missiles that will be used by the military's Gazelle helicopters," the official told AFP.
"Prime Minister Saad Hariri was informed on [Dec. 15] of the French decision to supply the army with 100 ... HOT missiles that will be used by the military's Gazelle helicopters," the official told AFP.
Arms Trade,
Armed clashes as Ivory Coast stand-off turns bloody
Backers of Alassane Ouattara were set to march Friday after bloody clashes erupted in Abidjan and central Ivory Coast leaving a dozen dead and many more hurt, as the stand-off between two self-declared presidents spread to the streets. Supporters of Ouattara had intended to march Thursday on the headquarters of state television, held by his rival the incumbent Laurent Gbagbo, but fighting broke out when they were faced with heavily-armed security forces.
Civil Unrest,
Ivory Coast
United Nations National HUMINT Collection Directive S/NF
DE RUEHC #0163/01 2122048
R 312024Z JUL 09
Secret Service,
United Nations
Venezuela Counterintelligence Working Group Meeting S/NF
DE RUEHCV #0107/01 0281832
R 281832Z JAN 10
S E C R E T CARACAS 000107
E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/01/28
SUBJECT: January 2010 Caracas CIWG
CLASSIFIED BY: Andres Barcenas, ARSO, Dept. of State, RSO Caracas;
REASON: 1.4(G)
Secret Service,
DAS official sentenced to 8 years jail
A former top official of state intelligence agency DAS was sentenced on Thursday to eight years and four months in jail for the illegal wiretapping of government opponents.
Secret Service
Friday, December 17, 2010
La continuidad del conflicto
La existencia de la Insurgencia en Colombia esta relacionada con su proyección de paz y la finalización del conflicto.
La razón de su insurgencia se explica en la existencia de un conflicto de clases – la lucha de clases- desde la génesis misma del proceso de Independencia del yugo español. Desde entonces las ideas predominantes esclavistas y de concepción de un naciente capitalismo moderno, abanderado por los sectores latifundistas, de intereses criollos y bajo el espejo Santanderista de Jefferson y la Constitución de Filadelfia; se enfrentaron a la concepción Bolivariana, golpeada por su incumplimiento al compromiso libertario de los esclavos asumido ante el presidente Petión, de la entonces naciente Republica de Haití y que prestó grande auxilio militar al Libertador.
Political Violence
EEUU admitió que hacía "esfuerzos" para derrocar al Presidente Chávez
En un cable recientemente revelado por Wikileaks, el gobierno de Estados Unidos dejó claras sus intenciones de derrocar al presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez Frías, y sus ansias por la muerte del líder de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro.
“Frente a alguna crisis interna, Chávez puede sufrir mucho si no tiene la mano firme de Castro en la espalda. Eso podría ser una ventaja para nosotros en nuestros esfuerzos para instar a un retorno a la plena democracia en Venezuela”, reza textualmente el documento enviado en 2006 al Departamento de Estado por la embajada norteamericana en Caracas.
“Frente a alguna crisis interna, Chávez puede sufrir mucho si no tiene la mano firme de Castro en la espalda. Eso podría ser una ventaja para nosotros en nuestros esfuerzos para instar a un retorno a la plena democracia en Venezuela”, reza textualmente el documento enviado en 2006 al Departamento de Estado por la embajada norteamericana en Caracas.
United States,
Défense : le Japon se concentre sur la Chine
Le Japon doit se concentrer sur la montée de la Chine et non sur la menace russe héritée de la guerre froide dans la définition de ses objectifs de sécurité, selon les nouvelles directives de défense annoncées vendredi.
Les directives, qui ont été approuvées par le cabinet, appellent aussi à une alliance renforcée avec les États-Unis, le plus important allié du Japon, et à des réseaux de sécurité élargis avec les partenaires régionaux, notamment la Corée du Sud et l’Australie.
Les directives, qui ont été approuvées par le cabinet, appellent aussi à une alliance renforcée avec les États-Unis, le plus important allié du Japon, et à des réseaux de sécurité élargis avec les partenaires régionaux, notamment la Corée du Sud et l’Australie.
Les Chinois victimes d’espions français?
Les services secrets français auraient-ils tenté d’espionner le PDG d’une compagnie aérienne chinoise en visite à Toulouse ? Un mystérieux sac censé contenir du matériel d’enregistrement a été découvert dans la chambre d’hôtel du patron de China Eastern Airlines.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
8,500 paramilitary and guerrilla fighters rearm: Govt
Colombia's National Reparation and Reconciliation Commission announces that 15.5% of 55,000 former members of illegal armed groups have rearmed. This means that more than 8,500 former paramilitaries and guerrillas have abandoned disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programs and rejoined the ranks of illegal armed groups.
Freed ex-FARC member confesses to over 200 crimes
Demobilized FARC commander Elda Neyis "Karina" Mosquera Garcia, who was named as "manager of peace" by former President Alvaro Uribe, has confessed to 218 crimes, including multiple homicides and kidnapping, reports EFE.
Former Friends ask WikiLeaks Founder: where’s the money?
A mutiny within WikiLeaks has former associates of leaker-in-chief Julian Assange charging that he's turned the web site into a cult of personality, and asking what has happened to the money.
Medvedev congratulates Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service on its jubilee
At a meeting on the occasion of the 90th jubilee of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, President Medvedev said that Russia must seek out all possible advantages from the recent WikiLeaks publications.
The worldwide computer network has changed practically every area of life, Mr. Medvedev said. In this situation, intelligence services must seek new ways of working. Julian Assange’s scandalous web site has published several thousands top secret American documents – and this provoked tensions in relations between some countries. However, as far as these documents are already published, the Russian Intelligence Service has received some extra information to analyze.
The worldwide computer network has changed practically every area of life, Mr. Medvedev said. In this situation, intelligence services must seek new ways of working. Julian Assange’s scandalous web site has published several thousands top secret American documents – and this provoked tensions in relations between some countries. However, as far as these documents are already published, the Russian Intelligence Service has received some extra information to analyze.
Makled: Arma mediática utilizada por el imperio para desprestigiar al gobierno venezolano
El acceso que han tenido algunos medios de comunicación de la derecha a la cárcel de máxima seguridad de Combita, en el departamento de Boyacá en Colombia, para entrevistar al narcotraficante venezolano Walid Makled, es una muestra más de los esfuerzos de la derecha por desprestigiar y atacar al Gobierno Bolivariano. "No es normal que un reo en la cárcel de Combita (departamento de Boyacá) ofrezca declaraciones a la prensa, porque es un penal de máxima seguridad, donde recluyen a las personas peligrosas, afirmó el subdirector de la Oficina Nacional Antidroga (ONA), Gilberto Molina, a la Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN).
U.S. builds Military Alliance with Japan, South Korea for War in the East
Last week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton summoned her Japanese and South Korean counterparts, Foreign Ministers Seiji Maehara and Kim Sung-hwan, to Washington for trilateral talks on the Korean crisis in an open affront to China and Russia, which had called for a resumption of six-party discussions with both Koreas, themselves, the U.S. and Japan. Officiating over the December 6 gathering with her junior partners on her own turf, Clinton – rather than the foreign ministers of the two East Asian nations – stated, “North Korea’s provocative and belligerent behavior jeopardizes peace and stability in Asia.” The imperial metropolis and its would-be global procurator pronounce on what constitutes threats to peace and stability on another continent; the perspective of countries in the region like China and Russia don’t need to be taken into account and their concerns don’t need to be addressed.
South Korea,
United States
Shabaab al-Mujahideen: A Message to the Ummah and Inspire the Believers
The Shabaab al-Mujahideen Movement in Somalia has released a new propaganda video produced by Al-Kataib News Channel, "A Message to the Ummah: And Inspire the Believers." The video features footage of extensive mujahideen operations in Mogadishu, Somalia and a recorded message (in English) from "Abu Dujana", a foreign fighter from the United Kingdom as he gathers with other fighters to enter the battle. Included here are excerpts from the 35 minute video.
A message to the Ummah and inspire the believers (Download)
A message to the Ummah and inspire the believers (Download)
Shabaab al-Mujahideen,
Mexico and the Cartel Wars in 2010
In our 2010 annual report on Mexico’s drug cartels, we assess the most significant developments of the past year and provide an updated description of the dynamics among the country’s powerful drug-trafficking organizations, along with an account of the government’s effort to combat the cartels and a forecast of the battle in 2011. The annual cartel report is a product of the coverage STRATFOR maintains on a weekly basis through our
Cancun Climate Negotiation
For the last two weeks international climate negotiators met in Cancun, Mexico for the 16th Conference of Parties (COP) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). After last year’s near-catastrophe in Copenhagen, countries spent the better part of the past year tamping down expectations for this year’s round of negotiations. Instead of shooting for the completion of a legally binding agreement, the negotiators focused on making incremental progress on some of the foundational elements of a new regime while sidestepping the issue of whether to extend the Kyoto Protocol and avoiding a more serious discussion about the diminishing likelihood that the international community will be able to reach its collective climate goals.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Managing the Defence Budget and Estate
The Ministry of Defence is responsible for over £42 billion of annual expenditure. While it has managed to stay within budget each year, it has failed to exercise the robust financial management necessary to control its resources effectively in the long term. It has also failed to match its future plans to a realistic assessment of the resources available. There is a shortfall in planned expenditure against likely funding of up to £36 billion over the next ten years.
United Kingdom
South Korea holds mass civil defence drill amid tension
South Korea launched its biggest-ever civil defence drill amid high tensions over North Korea's deadly artillery attack last month and its nuclear programmes. Sirens wailed across the country at 2:00 pm (0500 GMT) on Wednesday to signal the start of the 15-minute exercise. Most traffic quickly halted on Seoul's main street, Sejongno, and elsewhere in the bustling city centre. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said the nationwide evacuation drill was the first of its kind since a civil defence law was passed in 1975. Under the scenario, 12 jet fighters were to scream overhead to simulate air strikes by the North and pedestrians were to be ushered into shelters.
North Korea,
South Korea
Subject to Baidatz's approval
A senior General Staff officer took advantage of a free hour last week to study some papers in his briefcase while on a helicopter flight south. Among the top-secret documents lay a humble report, classified merely "reserved" - a daily analysis of the WikiLeaks reports.
About 200 Islamic extremists in Sweden
Swedish intelligence agency Saepo said Wednesday there were around 200 violence-promoting Islamic extremists in Sweden, days after the country's first ever suicide bombing missed wreaking havoc among Christmas shoppers. Some "80 percent of the 200 can be linked to each other," Malena Rembe, the chief analyst at Saepo's Counter-Terrorism Unit told reporters, adding they were not part of one big network.
Germany mounts raids against Islamists in three cities
German authorities on Tuesday mounted raids against Islamic extremist groups suspected of seeking to overthrow the government and establish a religious state, the interior ministry said.
Affaire Wikileaks : les plans de Meir Dagan (chef du Mossad) contre l'Iran
Toujours selon les documents secrets publiés par le site Wikileaks, le désormais ex chef du Mossad, Meir Dagan aurait proposé aux responsables américains un plan en cinq phases pour faire chuter le régime iranien.
L'objectif de Dagan était de parvenir à convaincre le monde, de l'efficacité de sanctions à prendre, contre la République Islamique.
L'objectif de Dagan était de parvenir à convaincre le monde, de l'efficacité de sanctions à prendre, contre la République Islamique.
US Proposed Multi-Faceted Campaign to Counter Venezuelan President, Wikileaks Cables Show
A secret US diplomatic cable posted 9 December 2010 on the whistleblower website Wikileaks revealed discussions of an intricate and detailed plan to use diplomatic, military, and economic power to counter Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s influence in Latin America.
United States,
Russian military chief shrugs off secret memos, says Russia and NATO are partners
Russia's chief military officer has played down the revelation that NATO secretly decided to draft a defence plan to protect its Baltic members bordering Russia. Chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, Gen. Nikolai Makarov, told reporters Tuesday that Moscow continues to see NATO as a partner.
Secret U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks disclosed that NATO decided in January to draft a defence plan to cover its members Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which border Russia. Russian diplomats reacted angrily when the cables were released last week and questioned whether NATO really wants friendly ties. But Makarov shrugged off the cables and said Russia will proceed from agreements to expand co-operation reached at the latest Russia-NATO summit last month in Lisbon.
Secret U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks disclosed that NATO decided in January to draft a defence plan to cover its members Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which border Russia. Russian diplomats reacted angrily when the cables were released last week and questioned whether NATO really wants friendly ties. But Makarov shrugged off the cables and said Russia will proceed from agreements to expand co-operation reached at the latest Russia-NATO summit last month in Lisbon.
European Security,
$10Bln for Digital Defense by 2020
General Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff, said Tuesday that the armed forces will fully abandon analog infrastructure by 2012 and spend 300 billion rubles ($10 billion) to create new digital systems.
“Creating the foundation for a new system of direction for our army,” he said, “is one of our fundamental tasks,” Interfax reported.
Russian arms sales to reach $10 billion this year
A senior Russian official says the country will set a new post-Soviet record in arms sales this year.
Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, who is in charge of military industries, was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying Tuesday that weapons exports will reach $10 billion this year.
That would mark the 11th straight year of increasing sales. Last year Russia sold more than $8.5 billion worth of weapons. It has been second only to the United States in global arms sales over recent years.
While arms sales to Russia's former No. 1 customer China have diminished considerably, there has been robust demand from other nations, including Venezuela and Algeria.
Ivanov said Russia has new weapons orders from foreign customers exceeding $45 billion.
That would mark the 11th straight year of increasing sales. Last year Russia sold more than $8.5 billion worth of weapons. It has been second only to the United States in global arms sales over recent years.
While arms sales to Russia's former No. 1 customer China have diminished considerably, there has been robust demand from other nations, including Venezuela and Algeria.
Ivanov said Russia has new weapons orders from foreign customers exceeding $45 billion.
WikiWrecks: an analysis of terrorism financing
Revelations by WikiLeaks that the US is critical of Gulf states in their approach against terrorist financing of South Asian groups, including the Taliban and LeT, shed light on an observation which has been documented by counterterrorism officials. While countries such as Saudi Arabia have long featured in assessment reports by counter-terrorism officials of being a key player in terrorism financing, the WikiLeaks disclosures provide insight into the problem of terrorism financing which is pervasive in the region, and its relevance to India.
Gulf Countries,
Water Insecurity In Himalayas: emerging tensions and lessons for ASEAN
Climate Change is triggering water insecurity in the Greater Himalayan region, raising new sources of tension that may embroil India and China in future conflict. These emerging tensions need to be managed. There are also lessons for ASEAN.
Far East Asia,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dissolve The Palestinian Authority
On September 9, 1993, Yasser Arafat, the PLO chief, signed a letter addressed to Yitzhak Rabin accepting UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and recognizing the right of Israel to exist in peace and security. It promised to assume responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure their compliance with Oslo agreement, prevent violations and discipline violators and declared inoperative all the articles in the Palestinian Covenant which denied Israel’s right to exist. UN Council resolution 242 that was drafted by the British ambassador to the UN was intended to have the Arab states recognize Israel and had nothing to do with the Palestinians. It ignored the U.N. General Assembly passed Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947 to divide Palestine and Resolution 194 of December 11, 1948 that called for the return of the refugees to their homes in what is now Israel. The Palestinians expected the return of all the land taken in the 1967 war but Israel insists that the wording of the U.N. 242 resolution urged it to surrender only some of the land.
Colombian ex-soldiers train Mexican cartel
El adiestramiento que La Familia Michoacana da a sus nuevos cuadros es ponerlos a prueba, torturando, ejecutando, decapitando y destazando a personas para que “le pierdan el miedo a la sangre”.
Quienes están enrolados en este grupo criminal no sólo son mexicanos, en sus filas hay también guatemaltecos y salvadoreños. Todos han sido formados con dogma religioso y militar, el cual inicia con un “retiro” de tres a seis meses en la sierra, donde son capacitados por ex miembros de las fuerzas especiales de Colombia y México.
Quienes están enrolados en este grupo criminal no sólo son mexicanos, en sus filas hay también guatemaltecos y salvadoreños. Todos han sido formados con dogma religioso y militar, el cual inicia con un “retiro” de tres a seis meses en la sierra, donde son capacitados por ex miembros de las fuerzas especiales de Colombia y México.
Anna Chapman set up UK sleeper cell of 20 sexy spies
The women are under orders from the Kremlin to woo diplomats and politicians to uncover secrets about the UK’s trade links and matters of national security. Their weapon of choice? Sex.
News that the honey trap tactic so beloved by the old KGB is alive and well and operating in Britain today comes as parliamentary aide Ekaterina Zatuliveter fights deportation amid claims she passed information to Moscow.
United Kingdom
Expelled Russian spy hired by Rosneft
One of the 10 Russian spies expelled from the United States this summer has been hired as a senior adviser with the country's state-run oil giant Rosneft, Kommersant cited company sources as saying Monday.
Andrei Bezrukov, who went under the alias of Donald Howard Heathfield in the United States, will serve as an adviser to the president, the business daily reported.
Andrei Bezrukov, who went under the alias of Donald Howard Heathfield in the United States, will serve as an adviser to the president, the business daily reported.
United States
Agent Provocateurs: Al-Qaida’s New Strategy in Yemen
US policymakers must be ever cognizant of the trap that al-Qaida hopes to lay by using agent provocateurs in deepening US engagement in Yemen and in pushing the Yemeni government to the brink of collapse. Earlier this year, al-Qaida's top cleric updated the group's strategy for exploiting American involvement in the Middle East. The cleric, Shaykh Abu Yahya al-Libi, presented the strategy in the immediate aftermath of the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt, which meant that it got little fanfare from al-Qaida's supporters and drew even less attention from western counterterrorism analysts.
Social Network Jihad (Part 1)
Jihad Al-Ummah: Facebook's Main Jihadi Hub
In an effort to spread global jihad and win over new recruits, jihadi media activists are utilizing web-based social networks, particularly Facebook. The recent FBI arrest of Baltimore resident Antonio Martinez, AKA Muhammad Hussain, who expressed his wish to die as a martyr on his Facebook page, highlights the use of Facebook as a tool for propaganda, recruitment and indoctrination by jihad activists and jihadi media activists. In addition to declaring his desire for martyrdom on his page, Martinez is also associated with several jihad sympathizers.
Jihad al-Ummah,
Why Sweden?
Why did Islamic jihadist Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly, the suicide bomber who killed himself on a major street in Stockholm on Saturday, decide to target Sweden, of all places — one of the most benign multiculturalist welfare states on a continent full of them?
The ISI versus the World
Al Qaeda has let it be known that it is fed up with the increasingly numerous and effective American UAV missile attacks in the tribal territories. The terrorists have told the government that either support is withdrawn for these CIA run operations (which fly from Pakistani air bases), or terror attacks against senior government officials will be made. Threats, and attacks, like this have been made before, but without much success, at least against the targeted officials. There have been lots of dead civilians, police and soldiers. The media seizes on these threats to generate even more popular hostility towards al Qaeda. It appears that the Islamic terrorists are getting desperate, as their leadership has been under constant attack from the air for two years.
Secret Service,
France, Germany, Poland call for deeper EU military ties
France, Germany and Poland urged the European Union to come up with concrete steps to deepen military cooperation by the end of next year, according to a letter made public on Monday.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Iranian president fires FM Mottaki
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has fired Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and temporarily replaced him with atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi, the official IRNA news agency reported on Monday.
Top Swedish Imam Condems Stockholm Car Bombing; Accused Of Incendiary Speeches In Arabic
Swedish media is reporting that the imam of Stockhom’s largest mosque has condemned the recent suicide attacks in the Swedish capital. According to a report in the Stockholm News:
Two Imams in Sweden have now publicly condmned the suicide bomb attack in Stockholm. The bomb attack took place in central Stockholm yesterday around five pm and killed one person. The Imam of the biggest Mosque in Stockholm, Södermalmsmoskén, sheik Hassan Moussa, condemns the suicide bomb attack in Stockholm yesterday. He writes in an email to Swedish news agency TT that Sweden’ security and stability is a religious responsibility and condems ‘…all forms of abuse, violence, intimidation and threats against innocent people no matter what the motive is.’
Stratégie et géodémographie au XXIe siècle
La connaissance des réalités et des évolutions géodémographiques est impérative pour l’analyse stratégique. Pour les responsables étatiques ou économiques, il serait illusoire de penser pouvoir choisir des stratégies appropriées sans prendre en compte les enjeux que la géographie des populations met en évidence.
Une réunion secrète des cartels de la drogue en Guinée-Bissau, AQMI présente
Selon des sources sécuritaires actives dans la sous-région, la CIA (centrale de renseignement extérieur américaine) aurait alerté les autorités de Guinée-Bissau sur une réunion ultra secrète organisée sur son sol à laquelle auraient pris part à la fin du mois d’Octobre plusieurs barons de la drogue colombiens, des responsables de filières logistiques, ainsi que plusieurs trafiquants opérant à Bissau et dans le corridor sahélien. Cette réunion se serait déroulée sur l’une des petites îles de l’Archipel des Bijagos, dans laquelle l’un des narcotrafiquants aurait construit une demeure au pied d’une colline.
Wikileaks révèle la rivalité marocco-algérienne sur le contrôle du sahel
Un tableau un peu plus clair des stratégies de contrôle sécuritaires du sahel se fait jour à travers les câbles diplomatiques américains révélés par Wikileaks, démontrant la montée en puissance du Maroc auprès des pays de l’arc sahélien, ainsi que sa volonté de se positionner en tant qu’interlocuteur central et de « transmetteur de savoir-faire », notamment dans le domaine essentiel du recueil du renseignement. Systématiquement contré par les algériens-qui voient en l’intrusion marocaine du Sahel une tentative d’empiètement sur leur terrain de chasse traditionnel- les services du Royaume chérifien tentent de se placer en tant qu’expert ès terrorisme sahélien et prodiguent aide technique, militaire et humaine.
Narcotrafic-AQMI : le « chaînon manquant » serait le front Polisario
Selon l’AFP, les forces de sécurité maliennes ont procédé à l’arrestation de six trafiquants de drogue internationaux qui sont « issus des rangs du Polisario », dans le cadre d’une vaste opération coordonnée avec la Mauritanie voisine . Le chef du groupe, qui a pour nom de guerre Sultan Ould Bady , et dont l’identité serait en cours de vérification par les services maliens, serait à la tête de l’un des « trois plus gros réseaux » qui organise le trafic en direction de l’Europe en passant par le Sahara. Ould Bady serait également une grosse prise pour une autre raison : son implication dans l’enlèvement et la revente de plusieurs ressortissants européens en faveur d’Al Qaïda au Maghreb Islamique (AQMI).
Al-Qaida's new strategy in Yemen
Earlier this year, al-Qaida's top cleric updated the group's strategy for exploiting American involvement in the Middle East. The cleric, Shaykh Abu Yahya al-Libi, presented the strategy in the immediate aftermath of the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt, which meant that it got little fanfare from al-Qaida's supporters and drew even less attention from western counterterrorism analysts. Titled, "Yemen to the United States: I Sacrifice Myself for Your Sake," Abu Yahya offered a new look at al-Qaida's approach to the US in the Yemeni context. He argued that, by continuously provoking the US, al-Qaida would be able to harness America's manic need to act, thereby luring it into meddling with Yemen's domestic affairs and inadvertently alienating the government from the people, thus setting the stage for a domestic al-Qaida coup.
Russian fleet to focus on keeping sea lanes open for oil shipments
Russia’s new naval doctrine, as shown by its plans for shipbuilding over the next decade, is not directed against the United States and the West as was the Soviet Union’s but rather is intended in the first instance to protect its economic interests on the continental shelf and to ensure that the sea lanes for delivering oil and gas remain open. More and more details are coming out about Russia’s new naval doctrine, one that will redirect that country’s efforts away from the geo-political challenges of the past to the geo-economic ones of the future but that sets the stage in particular places for serious naval competitions involving the rising naval power of China, Japan and India.
Maritime Security,
Response of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the NATO Lisbon Meeting
The NEFA Foundation has obtained a statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban) regarding the NATO meeting in Lisbon, where “participants…passed…decisions about Afghanistan.” According to the statement, “The real solution of the Afghan issue lies in withdrawal of the foreign forces. Hence the NATO decision to start withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan in 2014 is an irrational decision because until then, various untoward and tragic events and battles will take place as a result of this meaningless, imposed and unwinning war. The bottom line for them is to immediately implement what they would ultimately have to implement though after colossal casualties. They should not postpone withdrawal of their forces even be it for one day.”
The Mosque, Interfaith Dialogue, Islamophobia, Tolerance: Myths And Facts
The Revd Mark Durie Ph.D., an Australian noted scholar of Islam and vicar of St Mary's Anglican Church in Caulfield, Victoria, Australia, discussed with CJHS and the audience these issues and will separate fact from fiction. Dr. Durie discussed his new book, The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom.
KGB Documentary
A comprehensive view of the history, organisation, and recent operations of the KGB. Primary focus is on North America, but has applicability and interest to any geographical area. Leaves little doubt that the main objective of the Soviet Union was the calculated, continuing completely cynical extension of soviet power over the entire globe.This historical recording from the National Archives may contain variations in audio and video quality based on the limitations of the original source material.
The Collapse of Communism: the untold story
This is the trailer for an upcoming documentary by Robert Buchar about the how the collapse of commmunism was orchestrated from the top down as part of a strategy to mislead the West.
Treasury Targets Hizballah Financial Network
The U.S. Department of the Treasury targeted Hizballah’s financial network today by designating Hizballah fundraisers Ali Tajideen and Husayn Tajideen for providing support to Hizballah. Today’s designees are the brothers and business partners of Kassim Tajideen, an important financial contributor to Hizballah, who was designated by Treasury as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in May 2009 pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224.
Washington, Tokyo et Séoul renforceront la coopération militaire
Le ministre japonais de la Défense, Toshimi Kitazawa, et le chef d’état major interarmées américain, Michael Mullen, ont convenu de renforcer la coopération militaire entre le Japon, les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Sud, rapporte jeudi l’agence japonaise Kyodo.
South Korea,
United States
La France défend les secrets de ses entreprises
L’État renforce sa politique d’intelligence économique. Alors que le gouvernement prépare une loi pour durcir les sanctions contre les fraudes, il va ouvrir le capital de la société publique Adit pour en faire le leader européen.
Vérification du parcours personnel d’un candidat à la direction d’une entreprise. Mission pour analyser les conséquences d’un divorce sur l’avenir d’une société familiale. Informations sensibles sur une acquisition. Étude pour savoir qui décide dans un appel d’offres international. Enquête pour éviter d’acheter en Inde un terrain classé dangereux pour des raisons environnementales. Ces missions très variées ont été menées par des sociétés spécialisées dans l’intelligence économique.
Sweden's First Suicide Bombing
An email received by Swedish news agency TT warned "now your children, daughters and sisters die like our brothers' and sisters' children die." Shortly afterwards, one person was killed and two were injured in Sweden's first terrorist attack Saturday evening.
"Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you don't stop your war against Islam and degrading the prophet and your stupid support of that pig [Muhammad cartoonist Lars] Vilks…" an audio file attached to the email said.
"Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you don't stop your war against Islam and degrading the prophet and your stupid support of that pig [Muhammad cartoonist Lars] Vilks…" an audio file attached to the email said.
The Jihadist Social Network Underworld
"When are these crusaders gonna realize they can't win?," Baltimore bomb plotter Antonio Martinez boasted on his Facebook page on August 4th. "How many more lives are they willing to sacrifice. ALLAHUAKBAR." As details emerge about the plot to bomb a military recruitment center in Baltimore, MD, one thing is clear—Facebook is having a coming out party as the new go-to place for Jihadi recruitment, radicalization, and planning.
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