The global elite will not rest until they have revoked the Constitution,
the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Over the last
few years, they have engaged in a concerted attack on our founding
documents and time-honored ideals. On Tuesday, the New York Times
continued this trend with an article on the front page of its print
Entitled ‘We the People’ Lose Appeal With People Around the World, the article by Adam Liptak
argues that the Constitution is outdated, inflexible and no longer
trendy. It cites an article published in June in The New York University
Law Review that explains how America’s Constitution is “losing its
appeal as a model for constitutional drafters elsewhere” as statists,
bureaucrats and autocrats turn to examples presented by more malleable
documents such as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and those
produced by India, South Africa, New Zealand and the United Nations.
The problem, Liptak notes, is that “rights guaranteed by the American
Constitution are parsimonious by international standards, and they are
frozen in amber.” In other words, the “problem” with the Constitution
and the Declaration of Independence is that the rights enumerated there
are not open for interpretation and cannot be changed by government.
But what really irks the elite is the idea that government only
exists by the consent of the governed and “whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends [of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government,” as the Declaration of
Independence states. In other words, it is the right of the people to
revolt against government – preferably through peaceful means, but by
violent revolution if need be, as Thomas Jefferson argued – when it
becomes an oppressive tyranny, as it now is.
The very idea that the people have the right to abolish government
scares the hell out of the ruling elite. The Second Amendment is under
persistent attack not because guns are a danger to school children, but
because guns and people well trained in their proper use are often
required to resist and overthrow government tyranny. Control freaks
never surrender power willingly.
The establishment is now openly assaulting the Constitution and the
very idea of innate and god-given individual rights going back to the Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Petition of Right and English common law. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence encapsulate and enumerate into law liberties that are the birthright of humanity.
Government is not required to bestow them as the New York Times would
have use believe. We are born with them despite trendiness or the
dictates of commissars at the United Nations.
Obama has continued unabated the concerted attack on the Constitution initiated under his predecessors. Efforts to undermine the Constitution began in earnest with FDR, although earlier presidents – most notably Lincoln – set important precedents.
Obama’s task is to undermine due process and the separation of powers. From the NDAA to Obamacare and violating the will of Congress and the American people through signing statements
and waging illegal wars without declaration or congressional
consultation, Obama has amplified and expanded what George Bush and Bill
Clinton before him began.
Obama’s letter to Congress
claiming U.S. military power used with devastating result against the
people of Libya was “legitimized” by the United Nations Security Council
represents a watershed moment in the effort to trample the Constitution
and transfer authority from the people to autocratic globalists. It is a
modern version of the “long train of abuses and usurpations” mentioned by the founders in the Declaration of Independence.
It is up to the American people to prevent the destruction of the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It probably cannot be accomplished
from within the system. Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Obama
– these are the corrupted minions of globalists who fear the Rights of Man
the same as vampires fear sunlight. They will further the destruction
of liberty, not impede it and stop the solemn march to slavery and
ultimately the destruction of civilization.
Ron Paul represented the best chance to restore the Constitution and
rebuild our republic. He was plowed under by the establishment and its
corporate media propaganda machine. Patriotic Americans must continue at
all cost to oppose the efforts of the elite as they work to
methodically turn the planet into a slave labor gulag with a high-tech
police state control grid overlay. The effort must transcend any
particular political candidate and live in the hearts of men and women
as they resist tyranny.
Specific examples of the establishment’s campaign against the Constitution follow:
Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
said recently the people of Egypt should not “look to the United States
Constitution” as a blueprint for crafting the nation’s new
constitution. Ginsberg apparently believes the Constitution is flawed
because it spells out what the government cannot do instead of mandating
what it should do (like telling citizens at gunpoint they must purchase
expensive health insurance).
CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria has argued that the Constitution is outdated
and its principles should be “debated and fixed” to conform with the
modern era. He suggests “a set of amendments to modernize the
Constitution for the 21st Century.”
Time Magazine ran a cover story last year trashing the Constitution. The story was entitled “Does It Still Mater?” It portrayed the Constitution
as an outmoded document that we should ignore to whatever extent is
expedient to pursue someone’s vision of a better society: “We cannot let
the Constitution become an obstacle to a future with a sensible health
care system, a globalized economy, and evolving sense of civil and
political rights.” In October 2011, two teams of lawyers – one American, the other British – debated the subject of whether the U.S. Declaration of Independence is illegal.
“The Declaration of Independence was not only illegal, but actually
treasonable. There is no legal principle then or now to allow a group of
citizens to establish their own laws because they want to,” the BBC
Ignorance of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is
rampant, not only in the public at large but also in Congress where
members swear to uphold the Constitution. For instance, in 2010, House Majority Leader John Boehner
of Ohio declared: ”This is my copy of the Constitution, and I’m going
to stand here with the Founding Fathers who wrote in the Preamble, We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness.” He was quoting the Declaration of Independence, not the preamble to the Constitution. The trashing for the Constitution is legion. In order to get an idea
how much, simply type “Constitution outdated” in your favorite search
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