Tuesday, February 14, 2012

From Arab Spring to Cold War Winter

The American Game plan
The American purpose is not to annex the Middle-East to the west but rather to pit it against the SCO, having turned it into a jihadist powerhouse on a global scale unseen before.
The US currently faces 3 possible alternatives:
1. To take on Iran with a full scale frontal assault. Recent mobilization of US military assets into and around the Persian Gulf seems to support this hypothesis, yet nothing is determined so far.
2. To contain Iran, till it can destabilize Russia and China,
in accordance with Brzezinski’s doctrine, Which it does and has been perpetrating for some 40 years by now, since the Iranian Shiite movement started acting in Lebanon, nearly a decade before Brzezinski toppled the secularist Shah in Tehran. The usurpation of the office of US presidency by Barack Hussein Obama, without legal eligibility or due appointment, and the wavering of the US constitution during his time in office by means of an Enabling- act alleged for the sake of the Nation i.e. the NDAA - are not intended to appease the Muslims as the official doublespeak has it, but rather attest to the extremist Mullah regime in Iran being an 'Alter-Ego' of the US Banksters, en-route to global fascism shrouded in deep delusional Messianism. It seems the USA is hell-bent on dividing the world in to war-zones, intensive like world-war fronts, driven by religious zeal and enabled by means of nuclear weapons. This marks the peak of globalist insanity and thus must be fended off by means of an international solidarity front.
3. To negotiate directly with Russia, in order to disarm Iran, giving up on the Brzezinski’s doctrine. This is very relevant since Russia has de-facto overtaken Syria (detailed below) thus made the military aspect of encircling Iran irrelevant (using north Iraq as corridor between the two) and exemplifies that in the sheer theoretical scenario of destabilizing Iran then Russia would take it over, not the USA. The Russian overtake of Syria, in conjunction with Iranian deployment forces, is based on Speznatz, advanced mobile SAM & within non-refueling combat range of Su30, Su34 & Su35 from southern Russia. This is also the opportunity to extend the START treatise, this time round with China partaking alongside the USA and Russia, concerning mainly ICBM and Lasers. This relieves from the huge burden of strategic weapon R&D, procurement and operation throughout its life cycle, shall allow Iran to focus on its prosperity, both intellectual and economic.
The problem with the American request from Russia, India and China to join the sanctions regime imposed on Iran is the stated purpose, which instead of negating the Mullah regime negates nuclear technology. It is thus clear the USA doesn't intend to pacify the middle-east by means of disarming and toppling the Mullah regime in Iran, but rather to use it as a pressure-cooker for generations of regional and global suffering.

Why America wants to destabilize China

The Banksters are not interested in a free and knowledgeable public, definitely not to the extent enforced by means of the advents of the personal computer and the roaming broadband Internet. The solution the Banksters conceive is to shift all the western savings to setting up the ultimate enslavement despotic regime  - the Chinese one, where the large corporations are by definition the Government, sharing with it the secret services. The Banksters wish to control that country themselves, having disposed of its present day “politicians” whom they consider “useful idiots”, who have engulfed China in a real-estate bubble of unprecedented orders of magnitude in the history of man kind, in a country where 85% of the people are under the poverty lines defined by the UN which are thus very low. China is indeed suffering now a paramount debt crisis, due to Bankster manipulations.
This money drainage of the west encompasses beyond professional Americans, aka “the middle class”, also the Europeans with an emphasis on the GIPSI countries and even Israel, which real-estate bubble it nothing more than a pump draining the world Jewry's USD in to the “Fed's” accounts via its Israeli account aka ”bank of Israel” which prints US-backed shekels in order to obtain the USD invested in the housing market and then hands it over to the “Fed”, free of interest, thus allowing the “Fed” to leverage it at least 10 folds (the partial-reserve ration) given it is money originating over the border, thus creating a Trillion or two of USD in order to plug the liquidity holes both sides of the Atlantic. When the Anglo-American commandos are eventually exhausted against the KGB state the Russo-Iranian occupation of Syria establishes (see below) then The Balkans will fall in the hands of pro-Russian Slavic peoples, forcing the western Banksters to write off some of the interest they claim GIPSI would have owed them.

Israel's position vs. the US

Consequent to Brzezinski's doctrine (above) to incite the Muslims against Russia and China, the US needs a counter-power in order to serve a geographical and cultural reference point on which to base the efforts to contain the incited Muslim zeal. For that purpose the USA considers its industrious minuscule ally Israel to be this reference point. Israel's interest is to survive itself in the hostile and incompatible neighborhood in which it lives, thus must strive for long term stabilization by means of neutralizing threats – including those perpetrated by the USA. For a couple of main reasons the USA keeps Israel as a reserve: (1) Since it is very small thus vulnerable (2) it naturally counters American open-ended destabilization tendencies.
Therefore, regarding the Iranian issue, the US and Israeli positions differ substantially: to Israel,the existence of the regime is a pretext for the liquidation of the nuclear program, and to the US the existence of the nuclear program is a pretext for regime change.
Since autumn 1987 (i.e. the MI6 \ PLO orchestrated 'First Palestinian Intifada'), Israel finds itself type-casted by the west as doorman, used as both a target for assault and as a potential level on the situation when push comes to shove. Israel has served as a punching bag and a practice target for Hamas, Hezbollah and others, while refraining from equipping it with modern technology like F-22 or APG-80 for the F-15, the newest of which near their 20th birthday while the rest are in their mid 30s. Israel is assigned the punching bag role being founded around the Spontaneous-Fatalist persuasion. A punching bag is a type partaking within the 'balance of powers' paradigm, where there's no decisive outcome, thus the situation is prone to overwhelming deterioration, much like the world-wars were perpetrated.
The development of the Arrow counter-ICBM interception system might prove to be one of Israel's greatest miscalculation, since it rewards the USA with new capabilities it wishes to gain in exchange for having allowed the paramount escalation of the strategic threat, comprising nukes, ballistics, submarines and satellites, not only in Iran and not only against Israel.
The Russian overtake of Syria (detailed below) bypasses both the Arrow and its associated US systems deployed across the eastern Mediterranean: AEGIS C4I/ISTAR destroyers, SM-3 ICBM interception missiles and AN/TPY-2 FBX-T Radars.

Historical war gaming: Alexander vs. the Mongols
The globalist drive into the eastern Mediterranean area and the greater Middle-east is designed to overtake Iranian strongholds in those areas as a stepping stone towards the final prize of conquering the Iranian landmass itself, and thus is reminiscent of the similar campaign against the Persian Empire headed by Alexander the great 2300 years ago.
Alexander began his war march to Persia by first securing his Northern flank by means of conquering the Balkans. This has largely been achieved by the globalists during their war on Serbia in the 1990's using Al-Qaeda proxies that carved Kosovo out of Serbia, whereas the Russians were forced to content with the Pristina standoff.
Alexander than swept across Asia minor, denying the Persians their naval assets in the Mediterranean, comparable to the globalist overtake of modern day Turkey via the Muslim brotherhood (Erdoghan), which has turned Turkey into a multi-pronged spear used alternately against Israel (the offshore gas fields) and later on against Syria, in the form of the currently planned 'humanitarian' zones in the Turkish-Syrian border. A Turkish-leaning NATO intervention down to Homs would cut away the Allawite enclave from the Syrian-turned-Russian naval bases, in an attempt to fend the Russians off the scene. A south-Syrian Druze enclave would be prone to uprising, supported by US \ GCC commandos on the Jordanian border with Syria.
Alexander's next move on the east-Mediterranean chessboard was the conquest of the Levant, Judea and Egypt, which completely cut the Persians off their western strongholds and set the stage to their final defeat in the Mesopotamian Theater of war. In that respect the globalists are still facing serious setbacks following their staged assassination of the Syrian asset Hariri (Lebanese PM in 2005) and the subsequent cedar revolution as well as the failed attempt to use Israel as an expendable pawn against Iran in Lebanon (the war in summer 2006) - both of which were successfully countered by Iran (Hezbollah), although Egypt was nevertheless neutralized by the globalist "Lotus revolution".
The biggest mistake made by the globalists was the futile occupation of Iraq prior to securing the Syrian-Lebanese flank, which opened up that country to Iranian influence inclusive of the Iraqi PM Al-Maliki who is widely regarded as an Iranian asset. This in contrast to Alexander who kept Mesopotamia as the final destination of his campaign where the Persians were irrevocably defeated.
Following a long history of Mongol incursions to the Levant seven centuries ago and of relatively recent Soviet first-hand participation in the Arab-Israeli wars within context of the Arab republics of Syria and Egypt, Russia is back on the ground making leaps and bounces towards regional domination across the M.E. En route to Africa. Tactically, the USA has played in to Russian hands by means of getting itself involved in the field of long-term destabilization of regimes, which is quite a different genre from quick swaps of despots, which in turn maintain the socioeconomic order.
Putin basically continues were the Czars stopped expanding southwards their empire, a northern-byzantine one. The Czars ceased due to the southern-Byzantine empire (the Ottoman) and due to the Bolshevik revolution which wiped them out of existence.
Russia features many advantages in this field, comprising of a deeply corrupt regime, high expertise in terrorism and Guerrilla, propaganda and the sympathy of the 3rd world within context of a joint front against the globalist banksters, who are always westerners.
Syria is now controlled by a Russo-Iranian occupation regime thinly disguised as the “Assad regime”, thus even several assassinations at the top-most level of the Allawite society wouldn't change the balance of power in or around Syria.

Possible Russian counter measures in Syria

Pantsir S1 Battery in action
The Pantsir-S1 mobile Flak allows the Speznaz to detect Helicopters at low level, thus can hunt western commandos ubiquitously. The Pantsir-S1 can also kill every normal type of missile fired at its direction thus is an essential cause for concern to the Israeli Air-Force.
It employs both radar and EO(electro-optics) for detection, tracking targets and fire-control. This level of protection, stacking Speznatz reactions over Pantsir-S1 detections, is clearly intended to protect the Syrian nuclear reactors from a similar fate of the one destroyed by Israel on September 6th 2007 during Operation Orchard when the IAF's Sayeret Shaldag (laser designator operators) and the IDF's Sayeret Matkal (well acquainted with Syria) were sent in helicopters to the reactor site before it was attacked.
An interesting case is a possible clash between Speznatz playing defense and between SAS (British elite commando) sneaking in to the country. Since a commando unit sneaking behind enemy lines is very lightweight and very small then the decisive criteria for its effectiveness is keeping stealthy, i.e. even when its people are seen yet are not being conceived for what they really are, but rather for example for innocent civilians. This point is of interest since top elite commando perform not only 'special operations' but also covert operations while dressed like civilians. Once a commando unit or individual is detected, a man hunt is conducted e.g. a pursuing Speznatz would enjoy the decisive advantage of wide scale collaboration from the Syrian army and other Russian and Iranian elements in the area. The Speznatz would also trap insurgent commando, based on professional assessments which modes of operation would be attempted. The SAS may though enjoy one distinct advantage over the Speznatz, which is their long standing experience with deserts and Arabs. 

But then, for similar reasons the best asset in Langley's possession for this job is Al-Qaeda who now assaults the Syrian regime. The classic Russian answer to Al-Qaeda would be a KGB style traffic control regime denying the freedom of travel between districts. Similarly, the Speznatz could destabilize Jordan and/or Saudi-Arabia. Since Russia is the only Christian power hosted by a Muslim regime and is a ruthless regime in itself, then in theory it holds the higher ground in Guerrilla warfare
The role of the Russian flotilla, including the Aircraft carrier, frigate, submarines & naval bases along the Syrian coast are intended to neutralize the Heliborne commando modus operandi applicable to Operation Orchard. Historically, the Speznatz were trained to assassinate western pilots in their beds on the eve of a Soviet invasion. Presuming the Israeli Shin Bet will be able to avert this if necessary, so this mode of operation may not be of highest concern in the conflict brewing between Israel and Iran and its conjugate-allies Syria and Lebanon.
Israel used to have an edge in fighter jets, since its first deliveries of F-4E Phantom II in year 1969. This was augmented with F-15 Eagle since 1976. The Soviet 4gen Jets hardly made it to the scene till the USSR collapsed. These were 48 Mig-29 of an early version, which couldn't outperform the Israeli F15C/D. This balance of power is now changing with the Su-35 & Su-34 having entered Russian front line service and with the Su-50 expected to outperform the F22 'Rustor' (i.e. the quickly rusting Raptor), and the incumbent flying target designated F-35.

Russian production rate of military aircraft is back to Soviet Levels of about 30 years ago, with 90 fighter and bomber jets + 55 attack and assault helicopters, to delivered this year 2012. With an airframe life expectancy of 40 years, this makes for 3,600 Jets and 2,200 helicopters.

(For a detailed analysis of stealth bombers arms race, see our landmark article the stealth sphere)


The Way Forward
Greece is also part of the theater's equation, with some 4% GDP p.a. in defense, basically against the Byzantine empires of the day, i.e. USSR & Turkey. Thus we think it needs be refunded half of all its defense investments since after WWII, by the very same Unitarian-sprout EU promulgators, where the EU budget should firstly cover for this cost. This clause is special to Greece and a chronological one-off.
The USA can negotiate with Putin (especially given the pathetic failure to use the standard 'color revolution' tactic against him recently), not with Iran, and approach Russia having announced a $100Billion concession to Greece for its ongoing outpost position vs. the persistent eastern front.

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