Iran’s nuclear program is a burning issue in the world’s most volatile
region. It’s widely believed in the West Tehran is planning to go
nuclear, Iran’s leadership says its goal is nuclear energy for purely
peaceful purposes. In November, 2011, United Nations weapons inspectors
released a report containing new evidence corroborating Iran has carried
out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device and the
project may still be under way. The United States and its allies took measures to cut Iran off
international financing system. The coordinated sanctions aim at the
Iranian banking system, including its central bank. Besides, the USA
imposed sanctions on companies involved in Iran’s nuclear industry, as
well as on its petrochemical and oil industries, adding to existing
measure in order to weaken the Iranian government’s ability to refine
gasoline or invest in its petroleum industry. Right now the situation is getting tense to the boiling point. It
should be admitted the recent ransacking of the British embassy in
Teheran didn’t improve Iran’s international standing. It’s not Israel
only but the USA, Great Britain and France with others to follow or to
be affected that the dangerous whirlpool of events sucks in. They all
view a military strike as a possibility. The Israeli and US top
officials say there is no way it could be avoided if Iran made no
changes to its nuclear policy. The aggravation of the situation takes
place against the backdrop of the most wild scale naval exercises
recently conducted by the Iranian navy in the Persian Gulf testing new
missiles and warning the Hormuz Strait sealing off is viewed as a
possible emergency measure. Though Moscow is trying to clear the air,
the war mongers are hard to stop and be made think about consequences.
In recent weeks, the US media outlets have given much space to "no
options off the table" statements by Hillary Clinton and Defense
Secretary Leon Panetta.
The West and Israel believe that the Iranian leadership long ago set
itself the goal of building nuclear weapons, and are adamant insisting
on harsh, crippling sanctions, including an embargo on Iranian oil
exports and bank transactions, while refusing to stop seeing a potential
strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities as an option. By no means there is
an international consensus on harsh sanctions against Iran. For example,
India, Japan and South Korea need to buy Iranian oil, and Greece does
not support the idea of sanctions either, preventing their approval in
the EU. Russia and China are not convinced toughening sanctions is an
effective way to solve the problem. With all this in mind - is it really
a military strike that is in store?
Who may attack Iran:
The United States and its traditional allies are
increasingly worried about a nuclear Iran ever since President Bush
declared that Iran was part of an "Axis of Evil". It is believed that
the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States has
lowered, but not eliminated, the possibility of a war between Iran and
the U.S;
Israel has a long history of conflict with the Muslim
world. Not once the current president of Iran has indicated that he does
not believe Israel should exist at all (something Russia has strongly
condemned). Israelis are worried that Iran’s President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons in order to destroy
Turkey and conservative Arab nations, such as Saudi
Arabia, and other Gulf States view Iran as a threat. In case of Turkey
Iran is seen as a rival on the way to leadership in the Muslim world
vying for clout in Iraq, Syria and other parts of the region. While it
is very unlikely that any of the Arab nations would attack Iran, they
may very well aid and abet any attack by Israel supported by the West.
Historically Persian Iran has been in conflict with the Arab nations.
This is partly due to the fact that Iran is dominated by the Shiite
branch of Islam, while most Arab nations have Sunni Muslims constituting
the majority of population.
Possible scenarios:
- a preventive short time air strike targeting all major facilities of
nuclear and military infrastructure. It may end the nuclear program and
make government change possible;
- a prolonged (a continuation of the first strike) air offensive
targeting all state control and industrial infrastructure;
- an operation going beyond air offensive, strategically important land
areas and vital infrastructure objects seized by land forces.
Any scenario can be started by Israel on its own.
Any scenario can be started by Israel on its own.
The likely first strike targets:
The first strike targets are: uranium enrichment plants, especially
near Natanz, Iran's main enrichment facility, the Esfahan uranium
conversion facility, nuclear research and development locations in
Tehran, near Arak, and the new Bushehr nuclear power plant, factories
making auxiliary equipment, especially centrifuges, missiles sites,
physics, engineering, electronics and related university and research
facilities. Overall, the strategy would be to destroy Iran's nuclear and
missile capabilities and prevent attempts to resuscitate them. The end
result would be an attack with a very broad effect, causing widespread
casualties. It should be noted the strike preparation is likely
to be detected by Israel attacks taking preemptive measures to prevent
the Hezbollah in Lebanon to retaliate.
The bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities using conventional weapons
would contribute to unleashing a Chernobyl-Fukushima like fall out – a
nuclear nightmare with unpredictable results.
If attacked, Iran will also respond by withdrawing from Non
Proliferation Treaty.
Iran may conduct a full retaliation against Israel and its perceived
allies. Under this scenario, Iran would attempt to strike Israel and US
bases in the Persian Gulf, Turkey, and Afghanistan with long-range
missiles. Iran has the capability and allies to respond and it has made
clear that it would. Iranian conventional war assets include short- and
medium-range missiles; strike aircraft; missile-equipped naval
combatants and small boats; naval mine-laying ships; regular army and
Revolutionary Guards special forces. It possesses air and coastal
defense systems. These conventional capabilities pose a deterrent to
anyone in a conflict in the area of the Strait of Hormuz, the Persian
Gulf and along its borders. The long range missile systems like the
Shahab-3 and Sejjl allow Iran to strike targets throughout the Middle
East, including U.S. forces based in the region. Iran could also strike
through its proxies, encouraging Hezbollah to attack targets in northern
Israel and supporting Afghan insurgents targeting NATO troops in
Afghanistan. Terrorist attacks against Western targets in the Gulf are
to be kept in mind. Iran has influence over Shiite militants in the
region. They could certainly attempt to create havoc in Iraq, something
they already proved some time ago. How safe would Americans be in the
Gulf, especially Bahrain, home of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, a predominantly
Shia island? Iran would attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz as it
displayed during the recent exercises, thereby threatening nearly 20
percent of the world’s oil supply, and spurring yet another economic
crisis. Such action by Iran could precipitate a full-blown regional
Iran has multiple nuclear installations spread across the country, many
of them fortified and underground. By and large different sources say
there are about 30 Iranian nuclear facilities. No matter how effective
an Israeli strike is, Iran would eventually be able to rebuild its
program. Therefore, an Israeli strike will only delay an Iranian bomb,
but not ultimately prevent it from being developed.
An attack would also trigger an Iranian arms build-up, which would not
necessarily be confined to conventional weapons. An attack
against it may convince Iran that a nuclear weapon is the only effective
deterrent. So it would redouble its effort instead of refusing
to go on with the program. Internally, Iran’s regime will be
strengthened, with its military expanded and its determination to
develop nuclear weapons intensified. All this is valid supposing Iran is
not crushed by the impending aggression.
An attack means a spike in world oil prices. It will hurt everyone It
will hamper China’s economic development – a locomotive spurring other
countries to overcome the present downfall or, at best, stagnation. Thus
the global economy will be negatively affected. It will also affect
China’s foreign policy making it intensify its international efforts to
ensure sufficient minerals supplies vying with the West for global
An Iran sponsored terrorist act on the US soil will scare investors
when the times are rough. Will the US intern all Iranian nationals or
Shiite Muslims in the United States like it happened with the Japanese
along the Pacific coast in 1942?
An Israeli attack would probably strengthen the regime that
doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist. It would also dash any hopes
that Iran will implement any internal progressive political reform in
the near future.
The United States would be drawn into providing the manpower, and
bearing the huge cost for keeping safe the passage at the time of
financial woes and military budget cuts.
In the countries of the Persian Gulf where the traditional autocratic
authority is disintegrating, the radicalization may follow. It may bring
to power elements prepared to act forcefully against Western interests
in the region. In states such as Iran, Lebanon, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE,
and Pakistan with some tradition of reformist political figures favoring
normalization of relations between the Islamic world and the West,
those actors would be completely pushed aside for the foreseeable
Last but not least. Suppose the war mongers are successful, there is a
regime change in Iran. The world is plunged into economic troubles. Are
there any estimates how much aid the new government will need and who
will provide it? Who’s taxpayers will have to shoulder it? And for how
long? Will the new government be able to establish good relations with
the countries minorities, like the Azeri, the Kurds, ethnic groups in
Belugistan? Will it not engender new hotbeds?
This is a very short list of consequences to face in case of military
strike against Iran. So you’d better look before you leap.
Moscow is deeply opposed to any military action against the Islamic
republic of Iran, though it has supported UN Security Council sanctions
against Tehran. “This would be a very serious mistake fraught with
unpredictable consequences,” said Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign
Minister, addressing reporters in Moscow in November 2011. “Military
intervention only leads to a multiple rise in casualties and human
suffering.” - emphasized the Minister in response to the war drumbeat
coming from Israel. January 5, 2012 Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad told his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev during a
telephone conversation that Tehran backed Moscow's diplomatic efforts to
settle the dispute over Iranian nuclear program. "Medvedev noted with
satisfaction the Iranian president's positive assessment of the Russian
initiative, a plan of gradual restoration of trust to the Iranian
nuclear program,” the Kremlin’s spokesman said, adding that both leaders
had agreed to continue talks on this issue. Russia stresses the
fact there is no reliable evidence a military component makes part of
the present Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s authorities have not
yet fully settled on a course of building nuclear weapons, though
Russia is worried by Iran’s efforts to create a complete closed nuclear
fuel cycle, including uranium enrichment and the extraction of plutonium
from nuclear fuel waste. Still, there is a room for talks and a hope it
could lead to mutual understanding and agreements.
Iran is a close neighbour, a country with which Russia has a very long,
relationship going deep back into history, an important economic
partner, particularly in the Caspian along with three other Caspian
littoral states. Naturally Russia is not indifferent to what happens in
Iran and the neighboring region. So it seeks to settle differences with
Iran through dialogue and engagement not introducing “tough sanctions”
that make common people suffer but being useless or, even,
counterproductive for the non-proliferation regime. A military
strike would be a grave mistake – this Russian stance has been repeated
many a time.
There is very important thing the Western media somehow misses. The
most likely would be aggressor is Israel – a nuclear state that has
never joined the Non-Proliferation Treaty Iran is a member of. But
somehow the Western politicians don’t say it poses a threat to the
world. An evident discrepancy.
No IAEA, or any other report, nor any intelligence agency has ever
produced hard evidence to go on concerning presence of military
component in the Iran’s nuclear program it says is destined for peaceful
purposes. Iran never said no to its cooperation with the IAEA experts.
What is posing a threat to world stability is asserting the preemptive
right to use force against any perceived threat. In the case in question
a full-scale war is possible, and its consequences could be
unpredictable. Let’s remember the recent history. The Iraq war started
upon the assumption Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction it didn’t
have. So much blood shed, so much damage done. We all know Iraq is a
huge problem today. I’m afraid some hot heads in politics never learn
the lessons.
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