Saturday, January 22, 2011

Webster Tarpley on Russian opposition, WikiLeaks & Revolutions

Every year, USA is spending 100 mln $ only on Russian media lobby. This is in official US budget. USA is interfering in internal affairs of other country - american crime against democracy.This certainly appears to confirm what Dave Emory was saying this week, in his breadth and depth analysis of 'wik-i-fas-cism' as his called them. What we may rely on is their oblivious grasp of how transparent their activities are, to all of us on the Internet. That will play right into Putin's hand.

People seeking power today cannot serve two masters. It is either the people, or it is the secret masters. They are not likely to be able to escape from their double bind.
Americans have more occupied territories than Russia. They are occupying Cuba against the will of the people with their GITMO base and they have colonized Hawaii, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico etc. Not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and the Congo.

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